Fostering Tea Session (Teh Hsin & Joyce)

22 August 2015 - Teh Hsin and Joyce shared with all of us their motivations behind fostering and the joys and struggles they have experienced. Teh Hsin shared openly about his reluctance to foster at the beginning, and likened his free time that he treasured so much (now that his children have all grown up) to the five loaves and two fishes that the little child gave to Jesus in the miracle of the feeding of the multitudes (Matthew 14:13-21). "My free time, only benefits myself. But when I am ready to release that basket in Jesus' hand, what can He do? In that story, they collected twelve baskets of left overs. The Lord will never short change us." Joyce shared how the fostering journey had been a very personal walk with the Lord Jesus. Although there was no "rain down big sign", it was a personal conviction that the Lord placed in her heart. "I'm not a fantastic parent, but I'm available" , she shared.