Letter from a Singaporean Foster Grandparent

Vivienne Ng's FB Post on 19 Feb 2016: Yesterday, we posted a letter TO foster grandparents. Here is a letter FROM a Singaporean foster grandparent (my father), written back in Sept 2014. My father had written this email to his fellow Board Directors at the International Christian Mission (ICM) where he serves, in response to my heartfelt plea (made in a pool of tears) which I had posted on the FB page of a major church denomination. "Hi Brethren While lying in a hospital bed at three this morning, I was reading our elder daughter Vivienne's open letter to the Christian community in Singapore, about fostering of children by Christian families. As I read it, my heart also ached. And I felt led to forward her letter to you all in the hope and prayer that you might want to encourage your children as well as your church members to consider fostering some children. Most of us ICM directors are grandparents, and as such, it is 'natural' for us to dote on our grandchildren...