Fostering Tea Session (Audrie Siew)

Joint HFG Intro Tea on 23 March 2019 with The Salvation Army Singapore and Petra Church . Here is a summary of the sharing: “Fatherless, orphans, destitute, children…” These were the words that touched HFG foster parent, Audrie Siew as she felt God’s deep love and heart for vulnerable children. This led her to finally reapplying to be a foster parent, even though she had previously withdrawn her fostering application many years before out of fear. She now has 2 bouncy foster girls, Ellie and Kelly (not their real names), 10 and 12 years old respectively. Audrie shared more about her journey with Ellie, her 1st foster girl. She shared how Ellie had come illiterate at the end of P2 and her heart broke because Ellie’s future seemed so bleak. Her family committed themselves to helping Ellie and prayed fervently! Amazingly, Ellie not only learned to read within 2 months but went on to pass her exams for the 1st time in her life in less than 6 months. Audrie was amazed at how Ellie’s life w...