
Showing posts from March, 2019

Fostering Tea Session (Audrie Siew)

Joint HFG Intro Tea on 23 March 2019 with The Salvation Army Singapore and Petra Church . Here is a summary of the sharing: “Fatherless, orphans, destitute, children…” These were the words that touched HFG foster parent, Audrie Siew as she felt God’s deep love and heart for vulnerable children. This led her to finally reapplying to be a foster parent, even though she had previously withdrawn her fostering application many years before out of fear. She now has 2 bouncy foster girls, Ellie and Kelly (not their real names), 10 and 12 years old respectively. Audrie shared more about her journey with Ellie, her 1st foster girl. She shared how Ellie had come illiterate at the end of P2 and her heart broke because Ellie’s future seemed so bleak. Her family committed themselves to helping Ellie and prayed fervently! Amazingly, Ellie not only learned to read within 2 months but went on to pass her exams for the 1st time in her life in less than 6 months. Audrie was amazed at how Ellie’s life w...

Sharing at College of Alice and Peter, NUS (Audrie)

Hfg foster parent Audrie Siew and her 16 year old son, Timothy, did a sharing at College of Alice and Peter, National University of Singapore yesterday! Audrie shared about how it was so heartening that their normal family could make a difference to a foster child. Timothy shared on how he came to see the power of fostering himself even though he found it hard to adjust at first. Audrie shared stories of how her village helped “Ellie” her 8 year old foster girl to learn to overcome her fear of failure, discouragement and frustration to finally learn to read for the first time in her life. It was amazing to see how fostering can really change the future for Ellie! The sharing was a secular one. It was great to see so many young people being open make a difference to those in need! Thank you very much, CAPT for supporting the cause of fostering over the years! (Photo credit - Audrie and Sue)

World Vision Singapore - Love Never Fails

HFG believes that children grow best in families and communities even in mission fields! We are happy to play a part in the World Vision Singapore event, Love Never Fails, earlier today! Audrie Siew , a member of our HFG core leadership, was on the panel in her personal capacity. World Vision moved away from orphanages a very long time ago and takes a far more effective and holistic community based approach when addressing the needs of vulnerable children in regions they serve. It was just amazing to hear the sharing from Archbishop Jackson (from Kenya) and @Merlyn Guillermo (from Philippines), who were World Vision sponsored children and how God worked in their lives! Audrie shared about the importance of attachment (relationship with a warm caring and consistent adult) to the growth of vulnerable children, the need to develop families and communities in order to help vulnerable children sustainably and the problems of children when taken away from their families/communities and pla...

HFG Central 1 Group Gathering (2019)

6 families from HFG’s Central 1 Group finally met up at Gay Teck/ Sau Han Cheong ’s place. Kids had fun swimming & making chicken rice balls while we parents chatted. What joy & relief to share our burdens & to pray for one another!! It helps us realize we are not alone in our struggles. More than one reflected that this Fostering journey has helped us understand better the Father Heart of God. How difficult it is for us to show unconditional love given our human frailty. But how great is the Father’s love for us even in our weakness....