Sharing at Ang Mo Kio Gospel Hall

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, esp foster parents! Today, Vivienne Ng shared at Ang Mo Kio Gospel Hall, with Choa-Tan Ai Cheng translating into Mandarin: 1. Why stable attachment with an adult is so important in the formative years of a child. 2. God’s desire to bring healing into our lives and to use us to heal those around us 3. Her own journey in answering God’s call to become a foster mother to kids who are not her own flesh and blood The text for today was Ps 68:5-6, "He sets the lonely in families". Vi started by contrasting God's awesome power from v1-2 to his incredible tenderness in v5-6. Why is God, the defender of the defenceless, so concerned about putting the lonely into families? It is for their care and protection. Sharing on the psychology of attachment, she stressed how crucial parent-child attachment is for all forms of child development - emotional, cognitive, social and even physical!! We have a relational God who desires a relationship with ...