Fostering Tea Session (Joyce & Land)

On 30 May 2020, HFG-SG organised our first ever "Online" fostering intro session, together with Epworth Foster Care The Filipino couple (Land and Joyce Palmero) came to know about fostering 6 yrs ago through a church mate. Having pictured Singapore as a perfect country before coming over, they were shocked to hear that there were children in Singapore who did not have safe homes and that there was such a pressing need for more foster parents. They struggled in deciding whether to foster as both were v busy at work. However, they were inspired by something one of the foster parents mentioned in a fostering tea session, "What you can give, you give”. Upon reflection, they were convicted by God to give these vulnerable children a safe and loving home just as much as they had been blessed abundantly in their lives by Him. The couple have fostered 4 children so far, with some of them having special needs such as Global Development Delay (GDD) and ADHD. There were challenges a...