"Children of Shanghai" Private Screening (May 2022)

15 May 2022 - We just completed a private screening of a film of fostering in China with Care for Children ! We partnered The Salvation Army Singapore for this. It was amazing to hear foster children in China share how their lives have been changed through fostering. We are humbled and amazed by the impactful work of Robert Glover and how there is over a million children in foster care now instead of orphanages because of his obedience to God! If there is anyone who was at the event today and didn’t have time to indicate your interest either in helping grow family based care and fostering overseas (there are more than 8 million kids in orphanages internationally) or help fostering in Singapore (open to foster or befriend kids/families), please PM us! *Special thanks to Salvation Army friends who mobilised their congregations and staff to make this happen in less than 14 days! You guys rock! *And deep appreciation to HFG-SG members who volunteered today and helped to spread the w...