HFG Chit Chat Corner - Educational Journey for Foster Children with Special Needs (Linda)

HFG Chit Chat Corner – Educational Journey for Foster Children with Special Needs. In February, a few foster parents within the HFG community had an informal chat with veteran foster parent, Linda, who is currently fostering two youth with special needs. She has fostered and provided respite care to many foster children over the years. Here’s some highlights from our chat which we hope will encourage others who are on similar journeys. 1) Build Strong Bond First Linda and her husband, Robin, started their fostering journey since 2003. Upon the arrival of Adam* and John* into their home, they decided to focus on building strong bonds with the boys. Both came to their families when they were babies. She feels that it is important for foster parents to show affection and love to their foster children. 2) Trust in God After Adam was diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay, the professionals recommended for him to be enrolled in a special education (SPED) school. When asked if she had an...