Fostering Tea Session (Hope)

Fostering Tea Session on 29 Sept 2018 HFG foster parent, Hope, shared how she was convicted by James 1:27 . She had been helping to run a monthly children’s programme for orphans. She and her husband David began to pray for God's leading for something they would do together. They attended a Focus on the Family Singapore screening of the Dropbox and talk on fostering. This time David felt a strong conviction and they began to explore the possibility of fostering. They understood that they needed to talk to their whole household because this must be a family decision, a commitment needing everyone’s buy-in . When they began, Hope was homeschooling both of her two daughters, now 13 and 10. David travels 50% of the time which would mean Hope would be the primary caregiver. She also had her longtime helper attend fostering training, which also helped them all understand trauma better and how it affects these children in various ways . There were challenges as they took on their firs...