Creating A Safe Place - Understanding Special Needs Children (2019)

HFG foster parents, Mark Lim and Sue Lim held a special training session for HFG foster parents last Saturday in Agape Baptist Church . Mark and Sue are trainers for special needs and have a heart for children with special needs. It was such a blessing! Joyce Too Yip and her husband, Teh Hsin Too are foster parents who attended and were greatly blessed. You can read Joyce's account below: <We can see her pain now!> My husband and I have been struggling with parenting one of our foster child who was diagnosed with Global Development Delay. Although she is 13, she is unable to do basic things confidently such as daily brushing of her teeth, getting the correct change when buying food, reading time and distinguishing between AM and PM. She also has trouble managing her emotions. Her occasional outbursts which involve crying, screaming and shouting on top of her lungs at home, in school or at public places has demoralised her and affected her ability to make friends. Fostering...