Everyday Fostering - Paper Hearts (Audrie)
Ever wondered how foster parents make sense of their foster children reunifying? Here is another little snippet by our HFG foster parent, Audrie Siew. (From HFG FB post on 8 Sept 2019)
We were driving. My foster child, "Ellie" (not her real name) suddenly passed me this paper heart. I asked her why... And she said, "Because I love you." I was touched. I know she did it because she was grateful... I was trying to help her with sthg in school on my phone. She was very upset due to some vicious "playground politics" (Parents, pl teach children to be kind and inclusive!! It does hurt kids!)
Ellie is in the process of reunifying now and she is starting to stay with her parents more. I rejoice that she can finally go home to her parents that she loves so much. She stays with my family for 5 days a week now and we still have much to do to help her be successful in her reunification. We process with her on what habits she has learnt, what she wants to continue in her home and how she intends to deal with increased distractions when she is studying. She also has to learn how to wash her own school bag and shoes. We keep wondering what else we can do to give her the best chance for a good life!
I know we have to let go at some point. Her parents love Ellie and I know they will do what they can. It's a journey for us. We thank God for the wonders we have seen in Ellie's growth! She came to us not able to even recite A to Z at 8 years old. Now, she is comfortably getting more than 60% for her main subjects! God has done more than we can imagine!
Why is this paper heart special? You see, I have been wondering how she will remember us. This little paper heart from her reminds me how fostering can touch the heart of these kids. The time we had may be just a few years but we have helped this little girl get back on her feet and build up her future. She may never know it but God perhaps gave dear Ellie's little paper heart as a treasure for my heart. At the moment, all the pain, inconveniences and upheavals we have gone through over the past 2 years just seemed so worth the while... It's hard to let go but we have seen a life changed.