Fostering Intro Session (Ps Too & Joyce)

From fostering intro session with The Salvation Army Singapore on 26 June 2021. Ps Too & Joyce have been foster parents for over 7 yrs & hv fostered 5 kids. They r currently fostering 3 kids & hv 3 grown up children of their own. When their first foster child was 3 years old, they decided to take on a 9 year old foster child with special needs from a Children’s home nicknamed Cinderella. Ps Too & Joyce shared that 2 yrs after taking care of Cinderella without too much trouble, she went home for extended home leave for 5 days with her natural family for the first time. She came back a very different girl. She started behaving aggressively, was easily triggered, had nightmares and would scream and tantrum. She also started acting violent towards herself and the family. Her behaviour became so erratic that the family struggled to cope. They even had the police show up because of all her constant screaming. Thankfully, MSF arranged for Cinderella to have bi-week...