Fostering Tea Session (Kai Mei)

Sharing by Kai Mei at the joint intro tea session with Epworth Community Services on 31 July 2021. Kai Mei has four children of her own and came to know about fostering through FamChamps, which is organised by Focus on the Family Singapore. During one of the sessions, she heard a foster mother and her son shared about fostering. At that point of time, the concept of fostering was foreign yet something happened in her heart. Her family started to explore if this was something that God wanted them to do. It didn’t stop at that talk. One of her friends was a foster mother and linked her up to attend this same tea session organised by Epworth some time ago. After that tea session, God laid upon their hearts to seriously consider fostering. How Jeannie (not her real name) came to join her family was truly by God's grace! When Epworth called Kai Mei for the first time to take in Jeannie, their family was worried as they mentioned she would cry for a few hours. However, they decided to ...