"A Cheerful Giver" (Michael & Irene)
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” - 2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJV
Today I (Michael) really saw what this verse truly meant.
Nicole* received the MSF Academic Achievement Award. Along with it she was awarded a prize voucher.
During our journey back from church, Nicole was quietly discussing something with her younger foster sister. Nicole than came excitedly to me saying; "Daddy, Daddy, you can use part of the money and go enjoy a meal
with Mummy!"

I looked at Nicole surprised: "Why?". Nicole replied with glee; "I want to treat you & Mummy to your your favourite chilli
dish." (She knew I like spicy food.)

I decided to pull her leg
,"how about you treat all of us to durians ?" (Nicole really can’t dislikes durians.) Nicole gave me an stoic stare and said,"Ok, I can go see you all eat, I will try a bit."

My heart just filled with warmth and joy!
Prior to this, I was actually planning to give our girls a good meal, in view that it's a holiday and to reward them for their hard work.
I was reminded of 2 Corinthians 9:7, for *God loves a cheerful giver*. Nicole, despite what she had gone through, still willingly & cheerfully gave part of her prize to me. Through Nicole, I am reminded once again, how my Gracious Heavenly Father doesn't need me to give but finds great delight when I gives cheerfully.
In our fostering journey, I know God is real because of we have seen first hand how God has blessed the girls He placed in our care.
I really hope more can give time and treasures to the children in need of a loving shelter.
We have experienced that when we receive these children cheerfully into out homes, we know that our Heavenly Father loves a cheerful giver.