Mum and Daughter Sharing on Fostering (Audrie Siew)
A few days ago, HFG foster family Audrie Siew and her daughter, Gabrielle, did a mother and daughter sharing about fostering to teenagers at an event by Focus on the Family Singapore! Although the event was a secular one, it reminded Audrie of God’s goodness to her family.
Below is Audrie’s reflection, specially prepared for HFG :
“It was our first mother-daughter-father(as photographer) sharing on fostering. It's heartening to see so many more teens aware of fostering as compared to the past.
I was struck also by how fostering has grown our family. Yes the the vulnerable kids are helped when we foster but God also blesses the givers. As a Christian family, we always prayed for my own children to know God and walk closely with Him. My heart almost burst to see my daughter talk about how she struggled and grew and then reached her own conclusions about why we should continue to foster. I could just see how God has worked in my daughter’s heart.
Fostering has helped our family to grow closer to God too! We experienced Him through knowing His love our foster child and how He reveals His wonders to us in everyday fostering. Sometimes we as parents fear how our own children would have less if we foster... but actually, they can have so much more because they can now see God work daily in their household! It’s like going for mission trips except it is in our homes. Our own children learn to build treasures in heaven!