
Showing posts from April, 2019

Pastor Chang's Sermon on the Significance of Micah 6:8

  One of our foster parents, Pastor Chang Loong C L , preached at Ang Mo Kio Gospel Hall today and shared about fostering as an example of Christian obedience!! Wonderful HFG foster parents Teh Hsin Too / Joyce Too Yip and Kian Seng / Carol Wee were also shared as examples in his sermon. Main points in his 5 part sermon series on the significance of Micah 6:8: Sermon I) Structure of Ecclesiastes shows us that: Fear God, and keep His commandments (Moses Law) as the key to the meaningful life. Sermon II) The Great Commission of Jesus should not be seen in isolation but as part of a succession of Great Commissions that began in the OT and it definitely includes the social justice dimension that forms such a key part in Moses Law. Sermon III) The Early church in the NT modelled for us that the Great Commission life consist of both Evangelism work (Good News) as well as Social Justice work (Good Works). Sermon IV - today) Application: various avenues of Social Justice work that one c...

Fostering Tea Session (Edwin Lee)

  Joint fostering tea session with  Epworth Community Services / Epworth Foster Care  on 27 April 2019. So blessed by having a foster father (for a change) share at our fostering tea on sat!! Edwin Lee started by sharing his Philosophy of Life which led to his wife and him fostering. 1) If God gives you a glimpse of something that might be on His Heart, check it out! 2) Live for the audience of ONE 3) Get your investment Time Horizon right. He cited Francis Chan's rope illustration that our life on earth is just a tiny fraction of eternal life. As such, we should prioritize working on what really matters for eternity. Some years ago, a song his 2 kids used to listen to kept playing in his head. Called "Two Shirts", it comprised verses from Luke 3:11, Mark 9:35 & Matt 6:19-21 (if we have 2 shirts, we should give one away to the person with none) sung to a simple melody. This song gave him pause to consider if he was really making use of what he had been given. With ...

Everyday Fostering - Respite Magic (Junjie)

Lin Junjie writes about how he and his wife, Cecile( Lov Clou ), responded to God's prompting and were blessed as they befriended "Adam" (not his real name). They have made a difference in helping social workers in Big Love Child Protection Specialist Centre keep Adam with his family! Thank you, JJ and Cecile ! There are times when HFG receives requests for help to take a child out for a day weekly, provide respite for a few days to support vulnerable families. If you are open to this or fostering, pl do consider coming to our intro tea to hear more! It's on 27/4, 10am near Farrer Road. PM us to RSVP! < Everyday Fostering - Respite magic !> By JJ Lin The journey started with our first HFG tea session at a foster parent’s home. We were not ready for fostering but we are amazed that God still opened the door for us to do our part in loving and caring for vulnerable kids. We were invited to join HFG support group. From there, we came to know about Adam, a 8 year...