Pastor Chang's Sermon on the Significance of Micah 6:8


One of our foster parents, Pastor Chang Loong C L, preached at Ang Mo Kio Gospel Hall today and shared about fostering as an example of Christian obedience!! Wonderful HFG foster parents Teh Hsin Too / Joyce Too Yip and Kian Seng/Carol Wee were also shared as examples in his sermon.

Main points in his 5 part sermon series on the significance of Micah 6:8:
Sermon I) Structure of Ecclesiastes shows us that: Fear God, and keep His commandments (Moses Law) as the key to the meaningful life.
Sermon II) The Great Commission of Jesus should not be seen in isolation but as part of a succession of Great Commissions that began in the OT and it definitely includes the social justice dimension that forms such a key part in Moses Law.
Sermon III) The Early church in the NT modelled for us that the Great Commission life consist of both Evangelism work (Good News) as well as Social Justice work (Good Works).
Sermon IV - today) Application: various avenues of Social Justice work that one can consider in Singapore. Fostering being an extremely Gospel-Centric one.
We thank God for pastors who can share about God's heart for vulnerable children and fostering on the pulpit! We are praying for more to come forward to foster and love vulnerable children!

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