Fostering Tea Session (Angeline Wee)

Joint fostering tea session with Epworth Community Services Epworth Foster Care in July 2019. Angeline Wee shared her 1.5 year journey as a foster parent. It started with a seed planted > 10 years ago. when her sister-in-law provided temporary care for babies under Sanctuary House and she found herself going over to coo over the babies. Fast forward years later, when her son was in P6, Angeline started to look for different areas of ministry. She considered mission trips, particularly those involving rescuing women and kids from sex trafficking. She heard of someone else fostering at that point. Curious, she enquired more about fostering and after an exchange of text messages, Angeline found herself scrolling through the fostering section of the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) website. Mooting the idea to her husband, she was taken by complete surprise when he readily agreed without hesitation! And so, in a matter of 6 mths, they wen...