Circuit Breaker - Blessing the Rough Sleepers

HFG-SG recently partnered with churches and SSAs in the Safe and Sound Sleeping Places (S3P), to bless the rough sleepers. A coordinator was urgently needed. We thank God that Sandy, a HFG foster parent stepped up to volunteer! Below is her reflection. We thank God for those who volunteered and donated generously! <How we started> During the circuit breaker period, rough sleepers needed to get off the streets for their own safety. Many members of HFG and friends stepped forward to offer donations. <Dare to say “Yes”> Indeed, if you’re only looking for God in the spectacular, you’ll miss the supernatural every time. If God sent you to a mission, we need to trust that He will put all the necessary help in place for you. You only need to be still and trust! <Shops closed but God provides> Shops were closed during the circuit breaker period but the effort to source for the supplies were surprisingly smooth anyway. We even have suppliers approaching us to sell us a...