Circuit Breaker - Blessing the Rough Sleepers
HFG-SG recently partnered with churches and SSAs in the Safe and Sound Sleeping Places (S3P), to bless the rough sleepers. A coordinator was urgently needed. We thank God that Sandy, a HFG foster parent stepped up to volunteer! Below is her reflection. We thank God for those who volunteered and donated generously!

Indeed, if you’re only looking for God in the spectacular, you’ll miss the supernatural every time. If God sent you to a mission, we need to trust that He will put all the necessary help in place for you. You only need to be still and trust!

Shops were closed during the circuit breaker period but the effort to source for the supplies were surprisingly smooth anyway. We even have suppliers approaching us to sell us at cost price! That way we could help more with the donations. For whatever reason, we became the “one-stop station” to broker supplies for a wide range of essential items from mattresses and bedsheets to gloves and masks. The needs were often urgent because of COVID. But God came through again and again! God is with us!

On the day of delivery and collection by various churches at our collection point - St James Church, all goods arrived 2 hours earlier than planned! After all deliveries were unloaded, there was a heavy downpour of rain which lasted for about 2 hours. By the time various churches came for collection, the rain had stopped. Praise the LORD for this perfect timing! God’s hand is with us and He sees us through.

In the beginning we looked for some well-known caterers but they were fully booked for the foreign worker’s dormitories. We had an inspiration! Hawkers were badly affected by the circuit breaker. Why don't we also help them? We decided to engage them for the meals. It took more work as we helped the hawkers to digitise, register for “Paylah” and “PayNow” and "upgrade" to using bento boxes just like food caterers instead of the usual polyform box. We then helped them to link up with a driver to form a team. And viola, we had a food delivery network up and ready to feed the rough sleepers in S3P! The hawkers were so thankful too! It’s amazing how God used this to bless not only rough sleepers but also the hawkers!

“A Giving is not about a Donation, it’s about making a Difference in someone’s life.” It's hard to believe that there are people without a roof in Singapore. So many people were affected by this COVID-19 pandemic. Many gave generously even in these uncertain times! We are blessed by their generous spirit! We thank God for the privilege to feed someone in need.
In just a few months, we received 100 pieces of new mattresses and 50 boxes of face masks, raised close to S$18,000 for meals and other essentials items. Till end July 2020, we have sponsored approximately 3,500 meals.
A heartfelt thank you to all who have contributed to this! We are amazed by how God brought ppl around this! May your hearts be blessed too!