Everyday Fostering - "The House Ate Up My Glasses & I have a MUM now!" (Audrie Siew)
Today, our P6 kids just completed their PSLE listening comprehension. Have you wondered what life is like for a foster parent during PSLE season? HFG foster parent, Audrie Siew, just told us an everyday fostering story that happened with her P6 foster child.
Everyday Fostering : < “The House
Ate Up My Glasses
” and “I have a MUM

My foster child, Lilac* (not her name), is taking PSLE this year and on the way to being reunified with her natural family. As everyone with P6 children know, it’s a very stressful time for the children and their families. As part of her reunification plan, Lilac goes to her natural parents for overnight stays. It was all going well. With the many things to juggle however, she ended up leaving her spectacles
in her mum’s place when she came back to me one week. She needed it urgently for school and I sent her back to find it.

Her natural family was worried for her and searched high and low around the house. Somehow, the glasses had really gone missing. Lilac called and mournfully told me, “The House Ate up My Glasses!”
It didn’t end there. Her natural parent arranged to bring Lilac to buy new glasses as they wanted Lilac to be able to function in school. Lilac shared that after buying the glasses, her parent then grabbed her hand and brought her to eat sushi.
When Lilac returned to my place, she reflected and told me, “At the point, my mum grabbed hand, I realised I HAVE A MUM now!” Although she had been seeing her natural parents regularly, this incident somehow opened up another part of her heart to deepen her relationship with her natural parents. I was really worried about her disruptions to her study schedules as she had so much to do. But this made me stop short… I was amazed by how such an incident was able to do something so wonderful. Studies aside, this is a powerful moment for Lilac!
Yes, indeed, our children are not their PSLE grades alone! All the best to all P6 kids and remember to keep your glasses safe!
*Name of child has been changed for confidentiality reasons