Doing Better for Orphans (Ruslan Maliuta & Alexandra Jagelman)

18 March 2018 - Thanks to everyone who joined us for a great sharing by Ruslan (International facilitator for World Without Orphans) and Alex (Regional Medical Director of Bless China and foster parent) today! Thank God for a wonderful crowd!
Ruslan shared on the importance of families to care for a vulnerable child, instead of using orphanages. As Christians, we were spiritual orphans until we were adopted into God's family! God sets the lonely in families. Orphans are loosely defined as those who are not able to stay with their own families due to reasons such as war, child abduction, abuse, neglect or loss of parents. There are about 9 million children in the world who need temporary or permanent families. There is a similar number of churches in the world! Christians can transform nations by stepping forward to be the safe stable and nurturing family for the children. There is no need to be perfectly wise and healthy to transform the nation. Our God is able.
He shared that there 7 things Christians can do for orphans.
1) pray for champions and specific children;
2) speak for and to advocate for the fatherless ;
3) support (to give financially or practical help so that families can take care of themselves);
4) volunteer (give in what you do best);
5) mentor and to disciple (Befrienders with MCYC, Befrienders from children's homes);
6) Foster children;
7) Adopt children who are in need of permanent homes such as foster children and disabled.

Alex shared with us amazing stories of how God brought many disabled children into her life. She got us all dancing and shared this can help children in trauma to cope! As we do this work, she shared that it was important to take care of ourselves as we are not able to give if our spiritual needs are not met. She said "If you are okay, the kids you take care will be okay." Great practical tips for new foster parents!
She also highlighted that often when advocating for children, there is no "someone else" She said, "If you ever see a child in need and think someone needs to do something for that poor child, that person is probably you." We should also pray in the opposite spirit of what the child has gone through. Eg welcome and acceptance instead of abandonment and rejection; hope instead of desolation. She encouraged many to look heavenward by saying,"You may never see the fruit of the ministry with this child, but it is a privilege God has chosen you to take care of this child at this season. It is not about you. You are just a vessel. This child belongs to Jesus."

Guest Alan from Home for Good, UK

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