Fostering Tea Session (Teh Hsin & Joyce)
29 July 2017 - Heartfelt sharing by Teh Hsin and Joyce at our joint fostering intro tea with MCYC.
When Teh Hsin was first faced with a request to help take in a baby with high medical needs who was stuck in hospital, he knew he had to chose between walking on by like the Priest/Levite in the Parable of the Good Samaritan OR actually stopping to help. Convicted by God, he chose to stop and help. He says, "If u have room in your heart, there will be room in your house".
While Joyce struggles with the prospect of "losing" this child she has raised when the time comes for reunification with birth parents, she now understands her stewardship role in caring for foster kids, be it just for a season of their lives. She knows that He can use even a short time of contact with a loving foster family to change a life. Joyce feels she has grown so much in the Lord herself in just answering the call to foster, because it is about depending on Him.
The couple, who have fostered 5 kids, 3 of whom are currently still with them, were open about both the joys and challenges of fostering.