Sharing by Alexandra Jagelman
12 March 2016 - Sharing by Alexandra Jagelman who has lived in Southwest China since 1998, started a home for abandoned children with disabilities, and ministers to children who have been abused.
1. God can do great things - Thru' broken vessels like us, His love is poured out into these most broken of vessels (children in need of protection or care)
2. The importance of reclaiming the lives of these children thru our prayers and proclaiming God's blessings on them constantly and intentionally.
3. There is no need to force a foster child to be emotionally close to us; we just need be present with them, and wait for them to approach.
4. Don't just be busy providing for the physical needs of our foster child but remember to be a mother to the child even if it means your heart will be broken when they leave.
5. It's all about perspective - She once took in 2 special needs babies at a go and found it very hard to cope with the incessant crying. However, when one baby died after 5 months, she was reminded that crying is a sign of life and it never bothered her again.
6. The importance of self-care and watching out for vicarious traumatization. So taking long walks, quiet moments to be still, and time with God is essential for this work.