Sharing by Dr Krish Kandiah (Founder of Home For Good UK)
11 Nov 2014 - We are so blessed to have Dr Krish Kandiah, President of London School of Theology and Founder Director of Home For Good UK, with us this afternoon. His sharing on fostering and adoption greatly stirred and moved our hearts.
Many children who are in need are waiting for us to respond. We shouldn't keep them waiting any longer. Let's awake to the Father's call to take care of the orphans.
8 Feb 2015 - Dr Krish shares how being Father of the fatherless is central to God's character and encourages foster carers to press on in what they do as their act of worship unto Him.
The HFG SG foster parents had a great time fellowshipping over a wonderful dinner whipped up by Khye Suan from Methodist Children and Youth Centre (MCYC), one of the approved fostering agencies in Singapore. After dinner, Krish led us in the reading of God's word and encouraged the foster parents to be courageous and compassionate as we continue in our fostering journey. He also reminded us that as Christians, in order to cope with our fostering journey, we would need the scripture, the Holy Spirit and like-minded friends to keep us going.