Fostering Tea Session April 2023 (Alan & Eliz) - Snippets of the Sharing
It was a cozy joint-intro tea session yesterday morning with Boys’ Town Fostering Services. All who attended were encouraged!
A beautiful and very natural and heartfelt sharing by foster parents Alan and Eliz, who have been on this fostering journey since 2016!

Here’s a few parts of their sharing:
“FC was in the hospital for a few months since birth…he smiled for the first time when they brought him home”
“FC is our teacher, he teaches us how to teach him”
“Eliz always places herself in FC’s natural mother’s shoes, and that helped in their first meeting at the hospital, and just small little details e.g. getting Alan to bring FC to natural mum, that reduces any potential tension when a mother meets another mother.”
“Allan shared a few times about their conviction of the importance of reintegration.”
More details from the sharing will be released. Watch this space 

There will be another intro tea session next month. PM if you are interested to join.